February 3, 2023 – This week while in Bulgaria we went over to our first landlord's place for a visit. That apartment is where Diane and I lived longer than any other place. A great deal of ministry happened there, and we had many memories of great times.
A few years back we moved to a smaller place due to costs and just not needing the room anymore.
Going back to our old home was amazing – the Landlords have moved into that space and remodeled it and their apartment is now for their youngest daughter. What was interesting as we talked about our 13 years there, they had very fond memories of our time with them – in fact during our time there we went to most family events and took lots of photos of the family. On the wall hung many pictures that I had taken that they have framed.
They are Orthodox but I believe they know Christ and that made our time with them all the more fun. Here are some photos of what our apartment looked like and what it looks like now.
This week pray for our travels back to the US
And for the changes, we will be heading into at the JACKSON Store as well as moving our Jackson home to a different house. – Still, lots of changes coming.
Also, continue to remember the stores – pray for sales of the merchandise January and February are low retail months and we need some sales to pay the bills.