January 5, 2023 – We are looking forward to 2023 and already it is getting busy. We are preparing to head back to Bulgaria for a few weeks and for most, that would keep them busy enough, but for us, there is more and we want to highlight a few of these other opportunities as well.
- As shared before we are looking to expand the Jackson Retail location to include the retail space next to our current location. This will let us spread out a bit more, provide visibility on Michigan Ave in downtown, and allow us to create a training space. Click Here to learn more
- The New REED Workshop Center – is the name of the “New Training Space” we are creating in the expansion. This will allow us room to bring folks in to teach skills that could lead to some supplemental income. That is if what they produce will fit into what we sell in the retail operation. To learn more click here
- REED Workshop Seminars – besides the training space we want to use the space to also offer NEW seminars on all kinds of topics to the residents of the low-income apartments in the area. (There are 3 with over 150 units of low-income seniors which have almost nothing to do most days within 3 blocks.) This might be on how to program your smartphone to the History of Jackson to simple healthy meals for one. Really anything you are interested in some of them will be interested in too. (if you are local and want to learn more about being a part of this new outreach click here)
- NEW staff for Ann Arbor – We have struggled with having the staff needed to man the hours at our mall location – The mall wanted more normal hours which the current team could not cover. We prayed asking God to provide the right person (people) or we could not meet the obligation. Over the next 10 days, we had 5 applications picked up and we are training the needed staff member(s). (We put up no new signs asking for help or anything – God answered prayer!)
- New Home for Diane and I. We currently live in one of the 3 apartments in the building we own (or are buying). It was getting small and we wanted to make a change. We finally said to God if you want us to have a different place to live – you will need to bring it to us. And He did click here to learn more.
We are sure that all these NEW opportunities will not only keep us busy but will challenge our faith as well. We have learned that whenever God is doing something He invites us to come and see and then challenges us to go all in. We have been all in on so many crazy ministry projects that it seems almost normal and yet still a step of faith each time.
Join us this year on this Journey of “NEW”! Pray for us as we navigate all that these New Programs will require. Pray for the resources (both financial and human) to be where they need to be when they need to be there. Finally, pray for the people that we will get to serve and not only share information with but also the LOVE OF JESUS!