So what is SCRIP - Gift Cards?

Raise Right

Raise Right is the name of the App that you can download and use to purchase easily and Quickly gift cards for making your purchases.

Why would you want to use gift cards to make everyday purchases? Because when you do (and they are connected through Raise Right) anywhere from 2- 16 percent of what you spend is rebated back to us to help with the work we do helping need people around the world.  

You buying gas helps us, your back to school shopping helps us, your grocery shopping helps us, Just about everything you want to buy can be purchased with Gift Cards from Raise Right and make a difference in our work.

Down load, the app on your smartphone or Tablet use our enrollment code and get started in helping us do what we can to help those people in need. email me at almellinger@yahoo to get the current enrollment code.



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