Why Fairtrade?

More than a Store!

I want to share with you what Marketplace Manna is and how we can serve you and your people.

Marketplace Mann exists to help the poor, disenfranchised, persecuted, disabled and unemployed around the world.  Out tag line is Helping people care for their Families.

MM more than a store logo
As missionaries, we started out creating Livelihood groups to assist the local churches we were part of planting.  The needed to get the items they were making to more folks evolved into Marketplace Manna. 

At the same time, fundraising and support building is a tough job for the church today.  Being a creative thinker I am always looking at ways to take something that is already happening and leveraging it for the Kingdom.

The Manna part of our name refers to what God provided His children in exodus the Marketplace refers to all that is going on in the world โ€“ We believe and are constantly looking for Manna in the Marketplace to help the kingdom by helping people.

With that said let me highlight the programs and opportunities we offer the local church to partner with them to impact their neighborhoods and regions.

  • The    Gift Card Program we sponsor. You and your friends use gift cards instead of cash, credit card, or checks to make your purchases and a percentage of what is spent is rebated back to us โ€“ and if y'all signup with your church we will send 50 percent of what you spend your church each year.  This can add up to thousands of dollars if the church really got behind this.
  • Display Tables of the fair-trade products from around 40 countries. We will ship to your church merchandise and work with your point person for this project. In the end, we will profit share with you 20% of what is sold for your local missions project
  • Church Express Shop โ€“ Like the display table but you operate it weekly year-round and profit chare just like the display table.
  • Speakers, seminars, and workshop leaders for helping to inform your folks about fair-trade issues and livelihood groups. Could be for the whole church or a segment constituency.
  • REED Workshop Partnerships is our newest program. We partner with the local church who is working with local agencies helping the needy. We set up with you (and them) a day when we come with the raw materials to make a sellable item. The workers make the item and are paid a fair wage. We want local people from the church there to encourage and get to know these folks to love on them and share the love of Jesus with them.  We then take the items made and add them to our inventory network to sell.

Marketplace Manna is more than a store selling fair-trade stuff. It is a way of kingdom thinking to help you impact your neighborhood with the love and message of Jesus Christ by starting with a real need folks know they have to the real need they may not know they need.


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